Upcycle your old glass bottles, do your bit for the environment

We are all aware of the gruesome reality of climate change, global warming, resource depletion and its devastating impact on our planet.  To have a green lifestyle and embrace sustainability is no more a concept unheard of. Practically everyone wants to adopt sustainable living and working towards reducing their carbon footprint.  And, we at Kavi- the poetry art project, are making conscious and constant efforts to be environmentally responsible. We understand while the concept of being sustainable may sound simple yet achieving it might not be so easy, largely because one tends to think how much and how can one embrace it.  Therefore, to help you get started with becoming more eco-friendly, we have come up with our one-of-a-kind, India’s first ever initiative of UPCYCLYING YOUR OLD GLASS BOTTLES INTO A NEW HOME DÉCOR PRODUCT.

This, perhaps, a small step towards evolving ourselves into a more aware and responsible being but like they say, to make a real difference in your life, you got to start from somewhere.  Simple measures like ditching plastic, reducing energy consumption, upcycling your glass bottles, becoming more eco-friendly can go a long way in reducing your environmental impact.

According to WWF, Recycling glass is one of the many ways we can help reduce pollution and waste. Glass produced from recycled glass reduces related air pollution by 20% and related water pollution by 50%.

According to United States Environmental Protection Agency detailed data, recycling of glass cuts CO2 emissions — For every six tons of recycled container glass used, a ton of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is reduced. A relative 10% increase in cullet reduces particulates by 8%, nitrogen oxide by 4%, and sulfur oxides by 10%.

How do we upcycle your old glass alcohol bottles.

We all have a plenty of old beautiful glass bottles at our homes. So, what do we do with them? They are either repurposed as water bottles or a flower vase which is a great way to upcycle but how many of those can one have?

This is where our unique initiative of collecting old glass bottles from your door-step to then turning it into a work of art or home décor piece comes in place. We, at our workshop with our dedicated team brainstorm to transform your glass bottles into unique item with great functional purpose. All this, at a very nominal price.

So, your old bottles with all your memories intact gets a new life and purpose to serve. With our aesthetic you can decide how you want them to be repurposed as serving trays, jars, glasses, planters, lamps and a lot more.

For more, you can write to us at info@kavipoetryart.in or connect us on 7428445420.


Hi, do you have an option to buy bottles from customers for upcycling?

Yudhista June 11, 2024

Can we visit the unit you up cycle the bottle

Kiran Mullur May 22, 2024

I want to know more about this company.
Where are the company based ?
How many quantity do you take used glass bottle?

Tushar May 22, 2024

Hi.. I have few bottles in my home.. how should I sent it to you?

Shrishti Sarkar May 22, 2024

Hello, I do have a lot of empty wine bottles available with me.
Do you provide any discount on products if I provide you with empty bottles of premium liquor?

Navneet Goyal May 22, 2024

How to send glass bothles?

Shreyasi May 22, 2024

Amazing concept and so good for the environment.

Will you also collect bottles from us and if so, what are the locations covered by your organisation.

Madhulika May 22, 2024

Need to send few bottles….please guide

Archana H Tupe May 22, 2024

Hey I do have some glass bottles that I want to upcycle..are your services available in NCR

Moumita Chowdhury May 22, 2024

Is the service available in mumbai.

Sujata Swaminathan May 22, 2024

Hi I want to upcycle the bottles I have. How do you work? I mean where to send it. And how much to send. Do you have any catalogs for the items you upcycle?

Susan Thomas May 22, 2024

Kindly share nominal price chart . Also, let me know if this service is available for Vizag and Vijayawada people.

NK Sree Deepthi June 30, 2023

I purchased the grey goose glasses set Upcycled as you call it. Am happy and satisfied

Amazing concept

Dazzlina Pereira May 05, 2023

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